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Please find below a list of commonly asked questions and answers on using AdvantageNFP

Connecting to AdvantageNFP Fundraiser

KB001: Why Can’t I Establish A Connection To The AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database?
Your network may not be available, so first ensure that your computer is connected to the network server on which the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser database is stored, by trying to access another file stored on your network. If you cannot open another file on your network, on the same server that your AdvantageNFP Fundraiser database is stored on, then this means your network is unreachable. If you can open the other file, try to run AdvantageNFP Fundraiser again. If the same error message appears, then that means that the Database Path is incorrect.

To change the Database Path, double click the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Icon to open the “log in” dialogue/screen for AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and select ‘Show Options’, it should state your network path followed by ‘afdat.mdb’ or ‘afmet.mdb’ or ‘afrep.mdb’. To confirm these are OK or to change them, navigate to and select the ellipsis button which will open the selected path and you will see the correct file shown. They will be in a location you allocated, be it on your server or in a folder on your computer. When you have re-assigned them correctly try to “log in” in again.

If it doesn’t work then it’s possible that your Database could be corrupted, or more likely another error is occurring, in which case call the AdvantageNFP Helpdesk on 01582 794 229 and we will resolve the issue.

KB002: Why Can’t I Download The New AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Updates From The Website?
You will not be able to download the Updates if you don’t have the permissions to access the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser updates FTP site. To overcome this you will need the person within your organisation that is responsible for IT to provide sufficient permissions or ask them to perform the download for you. If the problem persists after changing the permissions then contact the AdvantageNFP Helpdesk on 01582 794229.

KB003: Why Can’t I Install An Update For AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
You will not be able to install an upgrade if you don’t have the Write and Modify permissions on your “C:\Program Files\Advantage Fundraiser” Folder on the computer where the programs are present. To check this, go to that folder, but instead of opening AdvantageNFP Fundraiser right click and select ‘Properties’. Then select the ‘Security Tab’. It will say ‘Group/User Names’ select ‘User’ and on the lower half of the window it will state ‘Permissions’. If there is a tick beside Write and a tick beside Modify then you have those permissions. If there is not, then you will require the person who deals with the IT within your organisation to allocate Write and Modify permissions for the Users group to the “C:\Program Files\Advantage Fundraiser” Folder. If problems persist then contact the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Helpdesk on 01582 794 229.

Inputting Data in to My AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database

KB004: How do I Add New and Edit Old Supporters in the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database?
To add or edit either Person or Organisation information navigate to the ‘Supporter Sidebar’ found on the left hand side of the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser main screen. Select ‘Person’, ‘Organisation’ or ‘Supporter’ depending on what type of details you wish to add. Select ‘New’. A window will now show on your screen asking for basic information. The default information shown is “Title, Name and Address” for Person and “Name, Type and Address” for Organisation, but depending on your set-up it could ask for more, for example ‘Segment Type’ or ‘Source Activity’. After you input that minimum required data select ‘Save and Exit’ a new screen will appear. This is where you can go more in-depth with details. Including; Phone Number, Email Address. You can record other information such as Birth Date and Mailing Information here. This is all done using the top half of the screen where you can see the headings. The bottom half however is information relevant to other processes and functions within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. This can include Bank Details, Relationships and Income you will have to navigate using the ‘+ Icons’ that will show further options. You select the option you want and select ‘New’ to create any information in these options.

You may edit any information on a Person record by searching for that person, highlighting them by selecting them and selecting the ‘Edit’ Button found at the top of the window. The detailed information on the lower half has to be edited by selecting what you want to edit on the lower half of the screen and selecting ‘Edit’ found on the lower half as well. When you have all you need select ‘Save and Exit’.

*NOTE: Each browser functions in a different way, The Person and Organisation browsers will show all relevant information for that supporter type. The Supporter browser will show both person and organisation summary details but the only information that is common to both types.

KB005: How Do I Record a Voucher Agency within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database?
Recording a Voucher Agency follows the basic steps in KB004. When it comes to the Organisation Details screen however you select the check box that says ‘Voucher Agency’. If you have already entered the organisation details but did not flag it as a Voucher Agency at that time, you can edit the existing details and select the ‘check box’ in the same manner, by opening the Organisation and selecting ‘Edit’ ensuring this time you select the ‘check box’ then you select ‘Save and Exit’.

KB006: How Do I Create New Party ID’s Within My AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database?
To create Party ID’s you must select the ‘Set Up’ option from the menu at the top of the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser screen and select ‘Party ID Creation’ which will open another screen. With two options ‘Person’ and ‘Organisation’. You may edit the set up how you wish here, to meet your organisation’s needs. For example longer numbers, the layout of the Party ID and how many IDs you want to generate. The AdvantageNFP Fundraising Team recommend using even numbers for Persons and odd numbers for Organisations as it makes it easier to identify and validate whom you are speaking to when a supporter quotes their Party ID to you, for example over the phone.

Always be generous with the amount of ID’s you create as it will save you needing to do this process regularly and it has no significant impact on the storage space used in the database. When you are sure the Prefixes and the layout of the ID are how you want them, then select ‘Generate’ and the ID’s will be generated. A Party ID will then be automatically assigned when you add new Supporter information in future.

KB007: How do I Create and Add Relationships to Supporters within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database?
Configuring Relationships:

Before recording new Relationship Types for the first time you must ensure that the Relationship Type details have been setup in the configuration. To create Relationship Types you must navigate to the ‘Reference- Relationships’ Sidebar within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. To create the Relationship Type, select ‘Party Relationship Type’ then select ‘New’. Add the name of the Relationship, for examples ‘Marriage’ and ‘Employment’. It will also allow you to edit the letter Addressee Names and Salutations here. For example the default may be ‘Mr Stuart & Mrs Stuart’ but you can manually change that to ‘Mr & Mrs Stuart’ or anything else depending on your and their preference. When you have set this how you want it, then select ‘Save and Exit’. The next thing you must do is ensure the Role Types are set. To do this select ‘Relationship Role Type’ located under the ‘Reference- Relationships’ Sidebar. Select ‘New’ and you can create the Roles. For example, in the case of ‘Marriage’ it would be ‘Husband’ first then ‘Save and Exit’ and then ‘Wife’ and ‘Save and Exit’. Each individual Role Type must be entered.

Recording Relationships against Supporters:

To add these Relationship Roles to Supporters, navigate to and select the ‘Supporter’ Sidebar and select ‘Supporter’. Then search for one of the parties involved. ‘Mrs. Smith’ for example and ‘Edit’ her Person record. In the lower half of that screen, search for ‘Relationships and Groups’ and select the ‘+ Icon’ to show the folder options. Select ‘Relationships with Supporters’ and then select ‘New’. A new screen will open. Select the Relationship from the dropdown menu. It will then show you two boxes, one that will say ‘Mrs. Smith’. Select the role from the dropdown menu beside her name. Then below her section select the ‘Ellipsis’ button and search for ‘Mr. Smith’ Then select his Role Type. Select ‘Save and Exit’ and this relationship will be recorded under both Mr. & Mrs. Smith’s details. You do not need to record both sides of the Relationship as AdvantageNFP Fundraiser automatically reciprocates. *NOTE: The process is the same when recording relationships between Organisations and between People and Organisations


KB008: How do I Create Single Income Types and Resources and record these against supporters within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?

For help with Configuring Income and Resource Types, please refer to the ‘AvantageNFP Fundraiser Administrator’s Guide to Database and System Configuration Manual’. Or call the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser helpdesk on 01582 794 229 and we will walk you through the process.

Recording Monetary Income:

Select the ‘Income/Resources’ Sidebar and Select ‘Monetary Income’. In this browser select ‘New’ and a new Window will appear. Select the Currency from the Dropdown menu and then enter the Amount. Add the Party by selecting the ‘Ellipsis’ button and locate the Supporter and Select them. Select the Ledger, Account and record the Payment Method (where applicable). If the Person and Payment Method can have tax reclaimed on them, then that will show in the lower half of the window, where you will see ‘Tax Reclaim’ as an option below the Amount. Your configuration may insist that for your Income Type entered you must have an Income Source Activity (Fundraising Activity) and/or Earmark. When you have entered all the information Select ‘Save and Exit’ to continue or ‘Save and New’ to record another Monetary Income.

KB009: How do I Create Commitments within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
Configuration: With help with Configuring Commitments please refer to the ‘AvantageNFP Fundraiser Administrator’s Guide to Database and System Configuration Manual’. Or call the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser helpdesk on 01582 794 229 and we will walk you through the process.

KB010: How do I Record Commitments within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
Open the ‘Commitment’ Sidebar and select ‘New’, this will open a new window. Initially only the Commitment Type will be available for selection, because the rest of the process will differ depending on the Commitment Type selected. Using the dropdown arrow, select appropriate Commitment Type. Then follow the screen prompts, for example selecting the ‘Source’ by enter the appropriate information there, then add the correct Party IDs or select using the Ellipsis button search and select the Persons and/or Organisations involved. All Commitment Types will require Start Date, Frequency of Payment and how much each instalment is. When you have entered all the details required click ‘Save and Exit’.

KB011: How do I Create Fundraising Activities within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
Configuration For help with Configuring Fundraising Activities please refer to the ‘AvantageNFP Fundraiser Administrator’s Guide to Database and System Configuration Manual’. Or call the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser helpdesk on 01582 794 229 and we will walk you through the process.

KB012: How do I record Income from Supporters against Activities within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
One way to record Income against an Activity you need to open the ‘Fundraising Activity’ Sidebar Select the ‘+ Icon’ beside the name of the Activity you wish to record Income against. Then you select the ‘+Icon’ beside ‘Fundraising Outcomes’ Select ‘Monetary Income’ and then select new. Follow the on screen prompts and select the necessary information before selecting ‘Save and Exit’

Another way to do this is to start with the Supporter. Open the ‘Supporter’ sidebar and select the ‘Supporter Icon’. Search for the Supporter you wish to record the income against. Then select the ‘+ Icon’ beside the supporter name and select the ‘+ Icon’ beside ‘Fundraising and Finance’ locate and select ‘Monetary Income’. On the right hand side of the browser select ‘New’. Enter in the details remembering to select the ‘Activity’ in the lower half of the screen, to do that select the ‘Ellipsis’ button and then search the Activity you want, double click or select pick. The activity will now display in that field, ‘Save and Exit’ and you have recorded the income.


KB013: How Do I record Earmarks against Income within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
You can record Earmarks while entering Income, or by editing older Income, but only Income Types with the option to allow this will work.

To do this while entering or editing the Income once you have selected the type for example ‘Unrestricted Donation’ that has been set up to allow Earmarking a new tab will appear in the lower half in the ‘Monetary Income’ section. Select the Earmark Subject by selecting the ‘Ellipsis’ button and choosing from the list of Categories. This will then allocate the Income to the Earmark, and will show that under the ‘Earmark’ Sidebar.

KB014: How do I create an Earmark Category within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
To create an Earmark you start by selecting ‘Reference- Activities/Earmarks’ on the sidebar, then locating and selecting ‘Earmark Category’. Select ‘New’, enter the name in the ‘Earmark Category’ Field and select and check boxes require then ‘Save and Exit’. You can enter each earmark like that, or you can group them.

For example creating an earmark called ‘Vaccinations’. You can then expand that by selecting the ‘+Icon’ and under ‘Earmark Child Categories’ select ‘New’ this time on the right hand side of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. You can create several here, for example by location so ‘Vietnam’, ‘Tunisia’, ‘Africa’ or by type ‘Mumps’ or ‘Flu’. You would do it this way to save having a long list, if the child categories are hidden beneath the Parents it shortens the list, instead of having the list saying ‘Vaccinations-Vietnam’, Vaccinations-Tunisia’ etc. You can narrow it down further by entering one of the child categories, let’s say Vietnam, and you can then enter further information. Say you had The parent category of ‘Vaccinations’ under which you could have ‘Vietnam’ and then by opening that and ‘Editing’ it, you can add further child categories for example ‘Flu’.

This is optional but is recommended as a good way to keep your data clean and easy to navigate. There is no limitation to the way you can set these; it’s all a matter of personal choice.


KB015: How do I record Communications within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
To record a communication first you must open the ‘Communication’ Sidebar, select the ‘Communication’ Icon below that, and select new. Select the ‘Ellipses' Button’ beside the ‘Party’ Field to select the Supporter who the communication is with (you may also add a new supporter through here if they don’t already exist, by selecting 'new' in the new window.) Then record any other fields needed. ‘Representative’ if necessary and ‘Staff’ and any notes you wish to include. Then select the date (Defaulted as the date of entry) and the time (Defaulted at time of entry). Then select the ‘Communication Type’ and the ‘Direction’ Then ‘Save and Exit’.

KB016: How do I create Communication Templates within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
You can create templates for communications and link word documents to them to generate letters, texts or emails.

To do this: select the ‘Template Icon’ under the ‘Communication’ Sidebar. At the top of the screen select ‘New’ enter the ‘Name’ for example ‘Donation Thank you Letter’ the category, in this case select ‘Thank You Letters’ and the communication type which is ‘Letter to Supporter’. Add a description if needed and the correct data extract, this time ‘Supporter Letter (Person/Organisation) as donations could come from a single supporter or an Organisation. Link the word document (you will need to create this, and ensure the location doesn’t change otherwise the template won’t work). Then when you create the communications through the tray, the letters will be generated using the template and the documents will be saved so you can simply print off the letter to send.


KB017: How do I Create Tasks within my AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
To create a Task in AdvantageNFP Fundraiser you must locate the ‘Task’ option in the Sidebar and then select the ‘Task Icon’ below. Then you select ‘New’ at the top of the Task Browser Window. Fill in the details, ‘Name, Type, and Staff’ as well as any other applicable information. You can attach templates here if needed. You can then set up the Priority, Due Dates, and Started Date by using the options on the right hand side of the window. Selecting ‘Save’ or ‘Save and Exit’ completes the process.

*NOTE: If the Priority Level or Task Type you desire doesn’t exist, you can create them under the ‘Task’ Sidebar. The Heading ‘Task Priority’ to create priority levels; let’s say you have low, medium and high. But something comes up that is Urgent you can create that here. The Types should be set up during the set-up, but if you decide you want to make more or new Types this is done by selecting the ‘Task Type” Icon under the same sidebar.

KB018: What does the Task Manager within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser do?
The task manager is located at the top of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. You can create tasks here, the same as in the ‘Task’ Sidebar option, however something that is only available here is the ability to change the settings of your Task Notifications. Notification Frequency, if you receive Notifications, why you receive notifications and when you receive them. This is all done through the ‘Settings’ Window under the Task Manager.

*NOTE: To search tasks you use filters. By selecting the filter and lightening sign. Under which there is an option in (Group/ Condition) named ‘Task Details’. Through this you can search by dates, priority, names and more.

Gift Aid

KB019: On what Income Types Can I Claim Gift Aid?
You can only claim Gift Aid on certain income types: Cash, Cheque (only when it has cleared), Direct Debit, Credit or Debit Card, Postal Order, Standing Order or Telegraphic Transfer. But this alone will not allow you to claim Gift Aid within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. The Income Types must be set up correctly, as well as the donor having a Gift Aid Declaration.

*NOTE: In advantage fundraiser this is set up in the ‘Reference- Income/ Resources’ and under the ‘Payment Method Icon’ when you set up the Method you need to ensure ‘Tax Reclaim Allowed?” is selected.

KB020: How far can I Backdate My Gift Aid Claim?
You can only claim up to Four Tax Years prior to the Claim Itself. So if you were claiming on the 4th April 2014 the claim could only go back to the 5th April 2010.

KB021: Can I Claim Gift Aid on Sponsored Event Income?
Yes you can, but only for the income on the Sponsor Form that says you can. For example say from a Sponsored Event you raise £600, £400 of which has been told you can claim. You will need to enter both of these amounts separately. Then all you need is the participating Supporters information in AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. They MUST have an active Gift Aid Declaration; I would recommend creating a specific one within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. Make sure it is noted when creating this that it is ONLY for Sponsored Events. The next thing you must ensure is under the supporter records, that ‘Non-UK tax payer’ is not selected. As it could be a child, or someone new to the country they normally would not be eligible, but as the Sponsors have given the money then as long as they said you may reclaim it is fine. Once this criteria is met, you can reclaim your Gift Aid via AdvantageNFP Fundraisers ‘Tax Reclaim’ function.

*NOTE: Be sure to re-select ‘Non-UK tax payer’ when you have made your claim.

KB022: How do I run my online Gift Aid claim through AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
Select ‘Batch’ at the top of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and then select ‘Tax Reclaim…’ In the new window select the date period you wish to collect for, we recommend using ‘upto and including’ and then just selecting the latest date you wish to claim for, this will pick up any Income missed, for example someone has signed a Gift Aid Declaration, stating ‘all past and future donations’ it will then pick up on them. Then select ‘Run’ this will show a new item, in the ‘Previous Tax Reclaim Runs:’ with the ‘Reclaim Date’ of Today’s Date. Select that and then select ‘Create CSV Output File’ this will generate a file for your personal use.

When you have done that select ‘Submit Online Claim’ this will send the claim to HMRC. The only way to check if this has worked, is by looking at the ‘Online status’ that is the 6th section under ‘Previous Tax Reclaim Runs’

*NOTE: You will need a tax year set up. To do this open the ‘Reference- Income/ Resources’ Sidebar and locate and select the ‘Tax Year’ Icon. Select ‘New’ and enter the name of the next tax year, the Start Date, End Date. The tax rates for now are as followed;

‘Lower Tax Rate- 0.00’ ‘Basic Tax Rate- 20.0’ ‘Higher Tax Rate- 40.0’ But HMRC could change these, make sure you check at the start of each tax year to be sure.


KB023: How do I use the Standard Reports within My AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Database?
There is a ‘Standard Report’ function within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser, allowing you to run reports and select filters to narrow down those reports. There are many different reasons to run Reports, from basic income Reports to more in depth Reports by using filters. There are so many individual filters and reports and so many combinations it just doesn’t make sense to explain them. Trial and error is the best way forward.

KB024: How can I generate a more in Depth Report within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
If you don’t think you can create the Report you want, you can do this via a Communication Template. To create these Templates enter the ‘Communication’ Sidebar, and select the ‘Letter Templates’ Icon. Select ‘New’ and indicate a name for this, you don’t need to attach a document as this will be used to create an export.

Once you have done that you must select the ‘+ Icon’ beside the name of your new Template. Locate and select ‘Letter Export Fields’ and on the right hand side of this window select ‘New’. This is where you select your fields, Names, Addresses, Title, Commitments, Income and many more options, and as many fields as you deem necessary can be included.

The Tray

KB025: How Does the Tray work within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser?
The Tray is located at the top of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. From here you can generate Communication in bulk, creating letters, emails or text messages. You can also bulk update Supporters, adding them to an Activity, Segment or Relationship etc. Or you can run Reports and Exports.

To do this begin by moving the Records you wish to perform these functions with into the Tray. Once they are there open the Tray, and ‘Select All’ located at the bottom left hand side of the Tray Window. You then need to select the Action. Once you have selected the action you need to choose a Category from the Dropdown Menu and then select an Action from the list of Available Actions. You then ‘Run’ or ‘Assign’ depending on what you are doing. If you are creating Communications or Exporting information then you will need to ensure the options in the ‘Process Selected Items’ located at the bottom right of the tray window are correct. Always ensure that the output type is correct for the file you are generating as well as the check box options being correct. Then you select ‘Run’.

Attendance Manager

KB026: How do I get my Fundraising Activity to Appear in the Attendance Manager?
To ensure that your ‘Fundraising Activity’ appears within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser, you need to make certain it is configured correctly. Within the ‘Reference-Activities/Earmarks’ you must ensure that your ‘Fundraising Programme’ and ‘Fundraising Activity Type’ are created correctly. For more information, please refer to the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Administrators Manual.

NOTE: Ensure that the ‘Fundraising Activity Type’ has the ‘Income Source’ option selected.

The next step is to create your ‘Fundraising Activity’ under the ‘Fundraising Activity Type’. To do this, when you have highlighted the appropriate ‘Fundraising Activity Type’ press the ‘+’ icon on the left of the record, then double click ‘Fundraising Activity’ and select ‘New’ on the right hand side of the screen.

NOTE: If you are setting up programme from scratch, firstly create the ‘Activity Status Types Allowed’ before creating your ‘Fundraising Activity’.

KB027: How do I ensure that supporters linked to the Fundraising Activity appear in Attendance Manager?
Firstly, you need to create the ‘Role Types Allowing’ this indicates the ‘Role Types’ that can be allocated to ‘Supporters’. This needs to be created for the ‘Fundraising Activity Type’, located within the ‘Reference- Activities/Earmarks’ sidebar group. Double Click the ‘Role Types Allowing’ and select ‘New’ on the right hand side of the screen. Select from the drop down list if the item already exists, or select ‘Add’ creating the Role. Ensure that all the necessary options are selected, and then ‘Save and Exit’.

NOTE: To edit existing ‘Role Types’ select the ‘Activity Role Types’ option in the sidebar.

In the ‘Role Types Allowing’, select ‘Edit’ at the top of the Browser. In the lower half of the new screen, you will see ‘Involvement Status’s Aloud’ pick from the ‘Drop down list’ or click ‘Add’ to create a new item. If you want to see these people in ‘Attendance Manager’, you need to select the ‘Facility Party Allocation Allowed’ option.

In the same browser, below the ‘Role Types Allowing’ option there is an ‘Activity Facility Types Allowed’. Select this option and select ‘New’ in the bottom half of the screen. Pick from the drop down list or select ‘Add’ to create a new Role type. For this to appear in attendance manager you, need the ‘Visible In attendance Manager?’ option selected. To be able to record payments you need to select the ‘Fee Related’ and ‘Income Expected’, as well as any other options, you feel you need to select.

NOTE: To add people to a ‘Fundraising Activity’ please refer to the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Training Manual. You also need to ensure that each status is set up like this in turn.

KB028: How do I record payments through the Attendance Manager?
To record payments in the ‘Attendance Manager’ within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser, you need to first open the Attendance Manager. Select the ‘Fundraising Activity’ sidebar group and the ‘Attendance Manager’ within that. Select your ‘Fundraising Programme’ then your ‘Fundraising Activity’ and finally the ‘Facility Type’. If set up correctly, you should see the list of your supporters, with the facilities beside them in white boxes.

To book someone against a facility you first need to select the facility. In the white box that corresponds click once, this created the booking without a payment. On the far right of the screen, a number will appear. Any number in red is outstanding. To record the payment of partial, or whole income select name in the ‘Payer’ (Click to Pay) option. Enter the income and ‘Save and Exit’. The red number will drop, or disappear. When settled the name will disappear completely, and the red number will be 0.00.

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